Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Bad

So, I tuck $3.00 in my pocket and jump in the truck.  I'm headed down to the clubhouse to buy a bag of ice.  The windows are down and there's a great breeze blowing and I'm feeling all "Carrie Underwood" because can't you just picture her driving a truck with the windows down?

Anyway, I make it to the clubhouse (an eight minute drive) and I go inside where I deposit $3.00 into the slot, grab a bag of ice and walk back to the truck.  As I approach the truck, I notice that the tailgate is down.  I put the ice on the front seat, walk around back, and close the tailgate.

I'm driving back to the property, windows down, singing, and waving to the few cars that pass me by, when I notice something yellow in the road.  I think, "Wow! Somebody lost their water bladder!" And then almost immediately, "Uh oh! That's our water bladder! It must have fallen out on the way down! Thank God no one picked it up!"

I'm all please with myself as I pull into the driveway and show Bill that yes, I dropped it, but hey, I found it again!

He picks the grubby thing up and shows me that there's a huge hole in it.

Bladder #2 arrives on Saturday.


  1. Imagine this... I thought Bill was writing this and "feeling all Carrie Underwood"!! Hahahaha!!! Thank God it was you Lisa. It was not a pretty picture!! LOL!!
